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History is defined as:
"A continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle.  (
The Bible is a powerful Book that:
-repeatedly describes the 12 tribes as God's chosen people
-accurately describes the characteristics of the 12 tribes
-provides the laws, statutes, and commandments given to the 12 tribes
-details the land measurements given to each of the 12 tribes
-provides the genealogy of 12 tribes
-gives an account of the Kings of the Northern and Southern kingdom of the 12 tribes
-describes the wars encountered by the 12 tribes
-describes the enemies of the 12 tribes
-foretells the future of the 12 tribes
-prophecies a Messiah for the 12 tribes
-details the captivities of the 12 tribes
-says that the 12 gates of New Jerusalem will be named after the 12 tribes of Israel
-outlines the covenants between Elohim and the 12 tribes
...and much more.
The Bible is clearly a historical book outlying a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people. 
Our History has not been lost due to the TransAtlantic Slave Trade.  Our History has been captured in the Living Word of Elohim.
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