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  • Word of Reconciliation is an assembly of TORAH (Scripture) keeping Ruach (Spirit) filled believers in YAHUAH, The One True ELOHIM (God), who is Omnipotent (All powerful), Omniscience (All knowing), Omnipresent (Everywhere), Infallible and Immutable, as revealed in the Scriptures (Deut.6:4-9;1stCor.8:4-6; Eph.4:4-6; 1st Tim.3:16). We believe in YAHUAH, The Most High and His Only Begotten Son, YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH, known in Christendom as Jesus Christ.


  • We believe and affirm Scripturally & historically that the so-called African American and other descendants of the “Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade,” are the original Hebrew Yisraelites (Israelites) of Scripture and are now being awakened globally.(Baruch 2:31-34; Zech. 10:9). These descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and are also the chosen people of YAHUAH as identified in Scriptural prophesy (Gen.49) and we, so-called African Americans are the people of the Scriptures racially, organically, historically, and prophetically.


  • We believe in the faithfulness of YAHUAH’s Word promised to our forefathers and their seed, that upon their return to Him, through repentance and the keeping of TORAH (laws, statues, commandments, and ordinances) that salvation, forgiveness, awakening and deliverance would come to them (Deut.30:1-5).


  • We believe that the promise of salvation to Yisrael has come (Luke 1:68-79) through the Besorah (good news), repentance for sins and faith and in YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH (Jesus Christ), the Only Begotten Son of YAHUAH (Matt.1:21; Mk.1:14,15; Luke 24:47) and that immersion (baptism) should be done in the name (authority) of YAHUSHA and that there is no other name (authority) given under the heavens whereby we can be saved (Acts 2:38, 4:12).   


“Now after that John (Yahuchanon) was put in prison, Yahusha (Jesus) came into Galilee, preaching the good news (Besorah) of the kingdom of Elohim (God), and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of Elohim (God) is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” (Mk.1:14,15).


"Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38)


  • We believe that Yisrael (Israel) is not a country, but a people (Isa.11:12) and the good news (Besorah) of salvation, through repentance and faith in Mashiach (Messiah), begins and ends with Yisrael (Israel) (Rom.1:16) and is offered to the other nations as they join themselves to Yisrael (Isa.56:6-8). Yahusha Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) has fulfilled the ceremonial laws, which foreshadowed Him (Gal.3:13) and we must walk (live) as he lived (1st Jn. 2:6) in obedience to TORAH (commandments, laws, statues and ordinances).





Word of Reconciliation - Hebrew Connection Atlanta
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